Over the last few weeks a
number of our commissioners have been involved in responding to the Scottish
Government’s consultation on its proposed Community Empowerment & Renewal
On the 12th
September Martin Johnstone attended the first meeting of the Bill’s Reference
Group (which the Poverty Truth Commission has been invited to be a member of)
along with 40 plus other folks. It was an interesting couple of hours with a
lot of enthusiasm expressed for some of the aspirations expressed in the
consultation. Martin sought to highlight the Commission’s enthusiasm for
Participatory Budgeting and to emphasise that whilst talk about who owns
buildings is interesting we all need to remember that it is people, not
buildings, which are our greatest asset.
On the 15th
September, Martin & Donna Barrowcliffe attended a meeting hosted by Glasgow
City Council to help local groups to respond to the consultation. Another
interesting event with strong support for more effective community empowerment
and a deep sense that it was time for governments to move beyond good words
into genuine actions which show that they believe that local people have the
wisdom that pass others by.
The Commission will be
submitting its response to the consultation over the coming week, drawn from
the experience of some of our Commissioners. You can view the consultation documentation on their website and the consultation period runs until 26th September